
SEMINAR: Using PROMs as Quality Indicators in Spine Surgery: Insights from Norway and the Netherlands

Christer Mjåset, MD, PhD is a Neurosurgeon and researcher at Oslo University Hospital and Medical Director of the Intermunicipal Emergency Care Department. He was awarded the Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice in 2019/2020 where he worked at Harvard School of Public Health and Computational Neuroscience Outcomes Center at Brigham and Women Hospital. His research spans several medical topics with a recent focus on spine surgery, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures and value-based health care.

Carmen Vleggeert-Lankamp, MD, MSc, PhD received her MSc grade in pharmacy in 1995 and later graduated from medical school at the University of Utrecht, in the Netherlands in 1998. As an avid physician-scientist, Vleggeert-Lankamp serves as secretary of the Cervical Spine Research Society, and she currently mentors numerous PhD students on themes varying from cervical to lumbar, and from degenerative to congenital spine diseases. She and her research groups have received several research prizes. 

In this lecture, Dr. Christer Mjåset from Oslo University Hospital and Dr. Carmen Vleggeert-Lankamp from Leiden University Medical Center share their experiences with PROMs as quality indicators. They also explore the challenges, benefits, and limitations of using PROMs in spine surgery.