
Archived Summer School: The Science of PROMs Part 1: Measuring What Matters

In this session, Dr. Pusic will focus on the important of qualitative research methods to establish content validity for new PROMs. We will review the best practices for the development of a PROM. Dr. Kaur will share the development of the GENDER-Q, a PROM for use in gender-affirming healthcare. Lastly, Dr. Mundy will talk about LIMB-Q, a PRO instrument for lower extremity trauma patients.

Manraj Kaur, PhD- CIHR Postdoctoral Fellow, PROVE Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Lily Mundy, MD– Asst. Professor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Andrea Pusic, MD, MHS– Director, PROVE Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Chief, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery BWH
Professor, Harvard Medical School
Medical Director, MGB PROMS