Latest Seminar
Promoting Patient Centred Research: Opportunities and Challenges
Dr. Lee Aiyegbusi is an Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the Centre for Patient-Reported Outcomes Research (CPROR), University of Birmingham, UK. He co-leads the PRO theme of the Birmingham NIHR BRC and leads the PRO work package at the LifeArc Centre for Rare Disease Trials. He also serves as the PPIE lead for several projects, including the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Precision Cellular Therapeutics (BTRU-PCT). His research focuses on optimizing PRO assessments for clinical research, routine care, and regulatory purposes.
Patients, families, and caregivers play a vital role in healthcare decisions and clinical research. Evidence shows that patient and public involvement (PPIE) and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) enhance research and deliver measurable benefits. This seminar explores their benefits, opportunities, and challenges with implementation.
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